Our design team develops high-quality building and infrastructure concept using integrating cutting-edge technology tools that maximize constructability and project resilience.
By optimizing projects with integrated analysis, generative design, visualization, and simulation tools, this accelerates design processes and improves the quality of digital infrastructure with integrated workflows for conceptual design, modelling, and construction documentation.
Key Features
Digital Design
Engaging you and your business needs to achieve optimised and coordinated designs that meet your requirements.
Active Collaboration
Achieve design objectives through coordinated design to meet regulatory requirements and your specific business needs.
Simplicity of Design
Our minimal and simplistic designs reduce downtime risk and are paramount in delivering total system reliability.
Highly accredited with more than 15 years of experience in the industry, our engineering team is specialised in managing your data centre solutions. Coupled with advanced Japanese engineering expertise and in-depth knowledge stemming from our local industry, we can bring a complete and competitive edge to our solutions.
Always staying ahead of the curve, Pro-Matrix provides truly customised solution that will optimally accommodate your growth and sustainability.
Greater Operational Efficiency
Automated tasks reduce design time and improve handoff with streamlined data exchange with the use of multi-cloud.
Risk Management
Enable project predictability by identifying the hazard, assessing the extent of the risk, providing control measures, and managing all risks.
Indisputable Quality Delivery
Adopting the full suite of Integrated Digital Delivery (IDD) with 3D M&E presentation of meticulous detailing to ensure quality deliverables.